Hath no fucks to give

<img class="wp-image-251 size-full" src="http://www.f291 additional resources.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/field-of-fucks.jpg” alt=”a barren field of fucks” width=”758″ height=”425″ />
Medieval tapestry contains great wisdom

I rather wish I could set this image up as auto-reply on every email I get at work some days. It wouldn’t really be appropriate to respond to clients with it, but sometimes they really seem to deserve it.

After all, I don’t care if you only just noticed after (approximately) three years that you couldn’t see a link on your website any more. If it was that important to you, maybe you should have mentioned that sometime in the last three years.[1]

And when the reason that the application I made for you is breaking is that you are doing the one thing you explicitly told me you weren’t doing when I asked about it, I really feel no obligation to fix it for you. No really, fuck off.

I am so glad I never ever have to meet these people. If I was dealing with them in person, heads might roll. Unfortunately, this is a relatively common occurrence as “keeping up with the times” is a phrase that doesn’t really apply to many of our clients.


Footnotes   [ + ]

1. The link, incidentally was still there, but you had to click through to another page to find it.

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